Camila Rivera-Tinsley has been an advocate and champion of people and the environment for most of her life. Before becoming the CEO of the Women and Girls Foundation, she was the Director of Education for the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, and helmed the Frick Environmental Center, the first publicly owned Living Building in the United States. Before that, she worked for 14 years stewarding programming and mentoring hundreds of students and early career professionals at the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education. She also helped to start a small environmental non-profit focused on people of color and used her voice to highlight the concerns of underserved populations. With an extensive background in advocacy, environmental education, horticulture, permaculture, and urban agriculture, Rivera-Tinsley serves on numerous boards and coalitions. Camila’s 20-year history of serving her community through her profession, volunteer work, and as an adviser to environmental organizations of color have formed and cemented her passion for providing opportunities to connect all people to their personal power to change the world around them for the better. Her true motivation lies in creating a more verdant and inclusive future for her 18 year-old daughter.