At some point in their lives, everyone is going to need to care for themselves or for their loved ones — it’s the right thing to do.

Paid leave is more than just a policy—it’s a lifeline for Pennsylvania families, especially in under-resourced and rural communities. Research shows that access to paid family and medical leave reduces poverty rates and increases financial stability for working families. For example, families with access to paid leave are 40% less likely to need public assistance after the birth of a child, and rural workers are particularly likely to benefit, as they often face greater barriers to childcare and medical services.  

This policy is a key step toward closing the wage gap and achieving equal pay for equal work. Women, who are still primary caregivers in most households, disproportionately lose income and career opportunities due to unpaid caregiving responsibilities. By ensuring paid leave, we can empower families, strengthen local economies, and support healthier, more resilient communities.  

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In our advocacy efforts, we examined the policy landscape in Pittsburgh and across Pennsylvania to identify critical gaps. While local organizations focus on paid sick leave, there has been little emphasis on paid family, medical, and safe leave at the state level. This leaves many workers—particularly in rural and under-resourced areas—without the protections they need to care for loved ones, recover from illness, or escape unsafe situations without sacrificing financial security.